Saturday 2 July 2011

The Lunar Society

The mid 17th century saw emerging a small group of spectacular people meeting once a month to discuss their ideas, discoveries and inventions. This group adopted name Lunar society and its recurrent members were Matthew Boulton, James Watt, Murdock, Withering, Priestley, Erasmus Darwin and Wedgewood.

The reason why it was called lunar society is quite interesting. The informal group comprising fourteen members used to meet at full moon, simply for the enough natural light to get back home safely due to absence of street lights. 
 The members cheerfully call themselves "Lunar tics", as their ideas were considered a way too advance of their time.   It was indeed, an assembly best mind centred on the remarkable quartet of Matthew Boulton, James Watt, Joseph Priestly and Erasmus Darwin. 

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